Spring 2024 - Wi-Fi & Wired Network Update

In an ongoing commitment to enhancing the digital experience of the University community, the Office of Computer and Information Services is excited to announce enhancements to our wireless and wired network. As part of this initiative, we are consolidating network SSIDs, introducing a new network with exciting features, and implementing enhanced authentication measures on the wired network.

Wi-Fi Network

Here are the Wi-Fi networks available to the KEAN community and their intended purposes:

  • CougarNet:
    • CougarNet replaces KUAIR & KUAIR-FACSTAFF and is recommended for all Kean Students, Faculty, and Staff. Network resources granted will be based on the individual's role at the University. For details, visit "How to connect to CougarNet". KUAIR-FACSTAFF will be phased out on May 17th, 2024.
  • KUAIR:
    • KUAIR remains for University guests; and members of the University community with smart devices such as Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and gaming consoles.
  • eduroam:
    • Eduroam is an exciting new option for Kean students, faculty, and staff. It offers seamless Internet connectivity across participating institutions worldwide, including educational institutions, universities, national labs, museums, and airports. For more information on eduroam, visit our How to Connect to Eduroam page. Please note that Kean students, faculty, or staff will be unable to access University-internal resources like network drives and printers while connected to eduroam.

For optimal Wi-Fi performance, we recommend disconnecting and reconnecting your device upon arrival at your desired campus location. This ensures your device connects to the nearest Wireless Access Point, providing the best signal strength.

Wired Network

We are implementing improved authentication measures, known as 802.1x, on our wired network. This upgrade will provide an additional layer of security by requiring users to authenticate before accessing network resources, ensuring that only authorized users can connect to the network. We believe that these enhancements will further safeguard our network against unauthorized access while maintaining a seamless and user-friendly experience for our community.

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